Your Patients and Their Caregivers Have Unanswered Questions

At ACP, we understand the pivotal role healthcare providers play in the lives of individuals affected by MS. People affected by MS turn to their healthcare providers as trusted sources of information. The conversations you have with your patients and their caregivers answer their questions about living with MS and help to chart their journey forward. You are a vital resource for connecting people affected by MS to research information and opportunities.

At ACP, we’re committed to accelerating research that reflects the needs and priorities of people affected by  MS.  We welcome you, your patients, and their caregivers, to join us as research partners.

Power MS Research

An MS diagnosis can leave your patients and their family members wondering how they can participate in efforts to better treat and cure the disease.  ACP’s iConquerMS people-powered research network empowers them to design and accelerate research to answer the questions that matter most to them. Invite your patients to join iConquerMS and their caregivers to join iConquerMS Caregivers. Working with the pediatric population? Point them to iConquerMS Kids & Teens.

Connect with Research

In addition to joining iConquerMS, your patients and their caregivers may be interested in participating in other research studies. Point them to ACP’s Research Round-Up to learn more.

ACP’s blog also covers topics of interest to people affected by MS. They can learn more about living with MS and access recent research findings to enable them to better treat and manage their symptoms.

Find Community

Through engaging with ACP, your patients and caregivers can join a community of individuals who understand the challenges and triumphs of living with MS. They’ll be able to share experiences, gain insights, and find the support they need.


Members of ACP’s Research Inclusion Diversity and Equity (RIDE) Council have put together the following resources to address some of the most common challenges faced by people affected by MS. Please download them to share with your patients!

Interested in Learning More?