
iConquerMS is a network of more than 8,500 people affected by MS worldwide contributing data, samples, and expertise to drive research on topics they care about. Learn how iConquerMS can assist with your research.

Infusing MS Research and Care with the Patient and Caregiver Perspective

People-powered research refers to an approach in which individuals, especially those directly affected by a particular health condition or issue, actively participate in the research process. This approach emphasizes the involvement of patients, caregivers, and community members as key stakeholders in the design, implementation, and dissemination of research studies.

At ACP, we are committed to:

Engagement of people affected by MS: Actively involving people diagnosed with MS, their caregivers, and family members, with lived experiences in the research process. iConquerMS members are invited to participate in the entire research process from identify research questions through to the interpretation and communication of results.

Collaborative Design: Engaging in collaborative efforts between researchers and the community to design research studies. This ensures that the research addresses the needs and priorities of the people most affected by the condition under investigation.

Patient-Centered Outcomes: Prioritizing outcomes that matter most to those affected by MS, rather than relying solely on traditional clinical endpoints. This helps to ensure that research findings are relevant and meaningful to those directly affected.

Empowerment: Empowering individuals and communities by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and resources to actively contribute to and influence the research agenda. This can lead to more informed decision-making and increased advocacy.

Knowledge Translation: Facilitating the translation of research findings into practical applications and disseminating information in ways that are accessible and understandable to the broader community.

More About iConquerMS

With more than 8, 500 members, and three dedicated initiatives, iConquerMS is a vibrant community of people affected by MS who are eager to partner for research. Our initiatives include:

iConquerMS: Founded in 2014, iConquerMS is a community of adults affected by MS who wish to contribute their health data, insights, and lived experience to accelerate MS research.

iConquerMS Kids & Teens: Founded in 2022, iConquerMS Kids & Teens was developed to enable those diagnosed with pediatric MS and their family members to drive, shape and accelerate pediatric MS research.

iConquerMS Caregivers: Founded in 2023, iConquerMS Caregivers engages MS caregivers as research partners, for the purposes of enhancing MS research with their observations and to accelerate research on the needs and priorities of MS caregivers.

Tell us about your research

Connecting with us at ACP is the first step to enabling and accelerating your research through iConquerMS.

Access the information you need

The iConquerMS community is ready to partner with you! Learn more about how we work with researchers.

Review the scientific publications

Learn more about some of the studies conducted with iConquerMS.

Partner with iConquerMS

Through iConquerMS, you can gain access to the data, biological samples, and insights you need from those living with MS and caregivers. Whether you’re looking to access our REAL MS data on living with MS, collect new data (one time or longitudinally), support your research with blood, saliva, or other biospecimens, connect with those affected by MS directly, or recruit for your research study, we can help!

Our communities include adults diagnosed with MS (iConquerMS), youths living with pediatric MS and their family members (iConquerMS Kids & Teens) and MS Caregivers (iConquerMS Caregivers).

Partnering with iConquerMS  is simple:

  1. Chat with us about your research needs (submit an inquiry form and we’ll follow-up with a call)
  2. Submit a proposal 
  3. Work with iConquerMS to get access to the resources you need

Infuse your research with the insights and experiences of those living with MS and their caregivers, through the iConquerMS community.

To learn more about partnering with iConquerMS, contact:

Hollie Schmidt, Vice President of Scientific Operations


Tell Us About Your Research