When a Loved One Has MS...
A diagnosis of MS affects families, not just the person receiving the diagnosis. As someone with a loved one or friend diagnosed with MS, we know you have questions and concerns. ACP is here to help. Connect with ACP to get access to the information and resources you need to navigate this journey.
As a Caregiver, You Have a Unique and Vital Role
Share your insights and perspectives, and find community along the way.
Connect with Other MS Caregivers
Being an MS caregiver can be an isolating experience. Whether you have questions to ask, advice to give, or are just looking for others who “get it”, the ACP and iConquerMS caregiver community can help you find your people.
Move MS and Caregiver Research Forward
Join the only people-powered network designed by and for MS caregivers. As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to MS research on behalf of your loved one, and to accelerate research focused on caregiver needs, health, and well-being.
Access Resources for Your Caregiver Journey
Becoming an MS caregiver means jumping into areas where you might need guidance and information. We’re here to help you find answers with the Care Partner Protocol – all the best resources in one easy-to-review place!