7 Tips to Make the Most of Those Older Years The life expectancy and average age of people with MS have increased significantly during the last two decades. As a result, those living with MS may face dealing with normal age-related changes, in addition to those the disease may impose. Here are some suggestions to make going gray with MS a little easier.
Seek and Accept Help Don’t hesitate or be embarrassed to ask for help. It can be life-changing, improving both mobility and freedom, as well as allow you to enjoy a wider range of activities.
Plan, Pace, and Prioritize Schedule activities early in the day, when energy levels may be highest. Take breaks when you need to. Delegate what you can to family, friends or helpers.
Make Changes… …to maximize efficiency and minimize risk. Keep essentials within easy reach, install safety features in the bath or shower, and cut down on clutter to reduce the risk of falls.
Stay Connected Maintain your relationships. If getting out to see people is difficult, social media can help you feel connected. Pets also provide support and connection for those who are able to take care of them.
Help Others Find ways to help others, even if it’s simply through a kind word or attentive listening. It can help with negative thoughts and emotions, and improve quality of life.
Look on the Bright Side Try to keep a positive attitude, maintain a sense of humor, and accept and work within your personal limits.