The Chat with Chat webinar series provides a glimpse at the researchers working with iConquerMS, what they study and how their work will benefit people with MS. Hosted by our research collaborator, Chat Ngorsuraches, these conversations cover a wide range of interesting topics, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in MS.
MRI is a noninvasive scan that uses strong magnetic fields, radio waves and computers to create detailed images of the brain, spinal cord or other parts of the body. It is the preferred imaging method to help diagnose MS, and to track disease activity.
MRI is an important tool for managing MS and can help show how the disease is progressing or how well an MS treatment is working. People with MS are encouraged to take an active role in their disease management, but may not know how to access their MRI images or understand what they mean. In episode 6 of the Chat with Chat webinar series, Annabel Decamps from Icometrix discusses how brain scans are used in MS, as well as patient experiences with them.
Ten episodes of Chat with Chat have aired to date. In case you missed, or would like to revisit any of them, they can be found here. A heartfelt thank you to Chat and his colleagues for making this educational resource possible, we look forward to it continuing in 2024! Stay tuned!
The Chat with Chat webinar series is one of the ways that iConquerMS is able to share the latest research and information on MS. It gives those impacted by the disease access to current knowledge to help them make informed healthcare choices with their doctors. If you haven’t joined iConquerMS yet, please think about signing up today! Together, we are working to improve the health and lives of everyone in the MS community!